Home Page of Jessie
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Hello all!
I obviously am Jessie.... This is my page! okay this will include pictures of me my life and of course a few of my friends.....
Um uhhhh.... not much else to say! so Enjoy!

In the first page of my site i will be telling you about me my life my friends my family etc...
I havent yet figured out what this space is for!
Me! Jessie taken on 10/22/00.....
Look i have two boobs! Just joking with ya there! i thought any one here could use a good laugh!!!!

Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements
Okay........ I will notify you of new things periodically if you are actually that intrested in my life....
Jessie's email

Nothing goes here cuz i dont know what i want to put here!

Email me!
